Saturday, May 8, 2010

February-April and some of May

Gareth and Amalia Easter 2010.

Gareth got a guitar and amp from his Grandma and Grandpa for his birthday. Here he is playing along with his favorite band, Imagination Movers.

Gareth and Amalia January 2010
So, I have finally found a way to upload photos and videos from my sometimes working camera to the blog. So I'll try to provide a broad view of our lives since February. Basically, we've been sick for the last 4 months. I think we've gone one full week without one member of the household having something. We're currently celebrating day four of being sickness free (most recently an ear infection, Gareth's first). Here are some highlights of the past few months.

March: Discovered Amalia has a severe egg allergy. She will go in for the big allergy testing in June.
April: Visit to the Adler Planetarium (will have its own post)
May: Eric is finished with his third year of seminary (yay for 3/4 done!) in three days

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