Friday, June 26, 2009

Mama Should Know Better

Yesterday I made Gareth cry. I felt awful. We were outside having some bike riding time, which translates to riding the various tricycles that live outside our apartment building. He pointed out a plane flying overhead and informed me it was a jet plane. Knowing how much he likes songs I started singing Leaving On a Jet Plane to him, thinking I'd add a song about jet planes to his repertoire. I only know the opening and first chorus, but by the time I stopped singing his lower lip was quivering and then he burst into tears. It took hugging me, getting back on the tricycle, bursting into tears again, hugging me again, getting back on the tricycle again before he was sufficiently recovered from the song. At which point he informed me he doesn't like the jet plane song. I asked him if he thought I was going to leave and he said no. It's just the song that makes him sad. I should know better. I was the toddler who cried at songs, too. And what's worse is this is not the first time I've done this. I learned last Fall that Little Bird, Little Bird from Man of La Mancha makes him cry as well as reading the Velveteen Rabbit. I totally agree with him on all of these fronts. We don't read Velveteen Rabbit anymore since it makes him sad and it's always made me sad. Interestingly all three of these things are about separation and people leaving.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Glass of Water

We have a large fly in our apartment, which sort of scares Gareth. We've explained that the fly won't hurt him and he's gotten better. But he does want it gone. Eric got the fly swatter out and chased it for a while but was unsuccessful. A few hours later Gareth spotted the fly and announced he needed a glass of water to kill the fly. It took a few minutes and several repetitions on Gareth's part for us to figure our he meant fly swatter. Sounds sort of like glass of water if you run the words together :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Gareth got a small (think tiny) scrape on his leg from falling down a few cement stairs. We put an Elmo bandaid on it (from Ima), but as a result he walks gingerly. He informed us he could not run because of his owie. Here he is showing Eric the bandaid.

Gareth the Guitar Boy

Gareth loves drums and guitars and particularly The Imagination Movers. If you are not familiar with The Imagination Movers, it is a show on the Disney channel about a band that has a business solving problems. I wouldn't recommend the show, it's not that well written. But, there is a band and several songs during each episode, which is what Gareth loves. Here he is with a Rock Band/Guitar hero controller singing part of the Imagination Movers theme song.

First Bath

She seemed to be alright with the bath. She did empty the contents of her stomach, bladder and large intestines on the first try. This is a video of the second try, after we cleaned out the tub.

The first four weeks

Getting ready for our possible future of pink and sparkles. Who knows...maybe she'll be a sports girl?

Cute sleeping baby

Cute slightly awake baby

Amalia will be four weeks old tomorrow. She is gaining weight well, spitting up a lot, smiling some (though it doesn't seem connected to anything in particular) and is colicky from about 9 pm-12 am. It's not the worst colic ever and the Gripe Water the pediatrician recommended is helping. We've been told chiropractic care helps colic quite a bit and are looking into that, too.