Friday, October 9, 2009

Amalia really wants to sit up

Amalia practicing sitting up. She does not face plant at the end of the video, it just appears that she does.

Amalia having tummy time

Not an exciting video, but interesting if you love her and don't get to see her very often :)

Amalia has discovered her upper register

A taste of how she "talks" by squealing...and a little spit up at the end.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Gareth and Liam racing

Two two-year-olds racing :)

Amalia having tummy time-Summer 09

Amalia did not really enjoy tummy time. This is her trying to get out of it at 2 months old.

My adorable nephew and son dancing-Summer 09

Liam doing his ballroom dancing, while Gareth makes up his own dance.

Monday, October 5, 2009

South Carolina

Eric finished his military training for the Army chaplaincy at the end of August. CH-BOLC at Ft. Jackson, South Carolina. Here he is waiting for the graduation ceremony to start.

After the graduation with Roy Beebe (the EFCA endorser for the chaplaincy) and Amalia.
The family after successfully getting Eric through two summers of military chaplain training. Very proud!