Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Fire Station Visit

Fire Fighters testing the hose
Fire Fighter Micah giving the tour
With Fire Fighter Ray in all his gear

Pictures from OK and KS

Shoveling in the queso at the best Tex-Mex place ever-Ted's (Norman location)
Having a snack with Luthy at the park in Wichita
Halloween 2008-Princess Liberty, Sir Gareth and Liam the Dragon
Cousin Liam-this boy knows his way around a farm
Cousin Liberty-up to something, can you tell?

The Promised Pictures Cometh

"Driving" Abba's tractor at Berry Creek Farm.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Updates coming

I feel I shouldn't update the blog until I can do so with the appropriate video and photo support. But that's still going to be a few more days. Suffice it to say, we visited Oklahoma and Kansas, Gareth dressed as Sir Gareth for Halloween, I sang in a concert, we saw Uncle Jeremeh's police car, we visited the fire station and Gareth made his first craft project at Moms Morning Out-a turkey. There will be visual evidence of all of these forthcoming.

On another note. I'm out of my first trimester, feeling less sick and tired, which is nice. And I'm able to face food and cooking again. Always nice for me. I have such a good relationship with food that to have to abandon it is hard on me. Anyway, so what's been sounding great this week is Moroccan Chicken and Cous Cous (which Gareth really likes saying). Here's what I do...

Chop one zucchini and one yellow squash into bite size pieces, put on a cookie sheet (with sides)
Toss with olive oil, salt (I like kosher salt for this) and pepper (I like fresh ground)
Roast in a 400 degree oven for about 20-30 minutes, until the veggies are tender
Season 4-6 chicken thighs with salt and pepper (same as above) and brown in oven safe skillet
When browned on both sides pour in some chicken broth/stock, a few handfuls of dried fruit (apricots, prunes, raisins), squirt on some honey and sprinkle on some cinnamon. I add a little more broth to make sure the fruit is covered and stir everything around a bit. You can also turn the thighs over a few times to get them coated with the sweet sauce (they turn a nice brown with the little bit of honey on them). Now it's ready to go in the oven to finish cooking the chicken through.
(This should take about 20 minutes so when the chicken in ready to go in, the veggies are ready to come out)
While the veggies cool...
Grab a box of plain cous cous and fix according to the directions (using chicken stock improves the flavor)
When the cous cous is ready (about 8 minutes later) you should be able to put it in a serving bowl and mix in the roasted veggies.
By the time you've done that...
The chicken should be done (about 10 minutes in a 400 degree oven should be enough, but check it with a thermometer to make sure, I put mine in a thigh when I put it in the oven and set the alarm to go off when it reaches 165 degrees).
Serve...(if I liked salad, I'd probably serve it with a salad)

You can use a different part of the chicken, but the thighs are so tasty (and inexpensive) I've never tried another. You can also use water instead of the stock/broth but it's a little less flavorful.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Check out Gareth's moves:)

The reason I haven't updated in a while

Here's the reason I haven't had the time or energy to post lately. Baby #2, due mid-May 2009.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sandbox Time

Yesterday while we waited to switch laundry we had some sandbox, slide time.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Mobile blogging

Sent from my iPhone

Last Labor Day Beach Video

Finally, Gareth was getting annoyed at the water for knocking him around and getting in his face. At this point he decided that the volleyball games going on were of more interest.

More Beach Video

He was riding the waves with Daddy. They were too strong for him to really stand on his own. He liked it at first then it started to get in his face.

Labor Day at the Beach

We spent Labor Day with some friends in Chicago. It was a full day, train ride, lunch, beach, train ride, playground, dinner, football. Here is him running at the beach.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Pre-Potty Training

We're doing pre-potty training with Gareth and have been since he was 12 months old. He just sits on the potty chair (with a child-adapter seat) for a little while regularly. As he's gotten older we talk about when he's wetting or dirtying a diaper and how grown-ups potty. He also often is in the bathroom with Eric and I as we're going potty. (He's gotta see how it works and think it's cool to want to do it.) Last night we had a break-through of sorts.

Gareth has been asking to sit on the potty chair every day or two in recent weeks, normally just because he wants to use toilet paper (which is apparently the coolest part about pottying in the potty chair). Last night he asked to sit on the potty chair, so I said okay. His diaper was a bit wet, so I assumed he just realized he'd wet his diaper and was connecting it to the potty (not a bad connection for an almost 20 month old to make). Turns out he had more in there. Once he went a little and got major cheering and applause (he's a sucker for applause) he wanted to do more. So he continued pottying until there was nothing left and we had to tell him that he was finished so he would stop straining. This was terribly exciting to me and a good experience for him. Hopefully by the time he's 2 we can start taking potty training a bit more seriously. But for now, and for a boy, he's doing great.

Monday, August 25, 2008

more t-ball, again, sorry it's sideways

More t-ball, sorry it's sideways

First t-ball set

The first blog entry-original, huh?

Here's my entry into the blogging world. Just so far away family and friends can see pictures and video of my very cute son. And occasionally get info on the rest of the family, a recipe or two, etc.