Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Haven't heard from me in a while

In the last 16 months our lives have changed drastically. Amalia was diagnosed with several food allergies (ranging from life threatening to mild intolerance), several chemical and synthetic allergies, Eric graduated with his M.Div and we moved off campus.

We are currently living in Wisconsin, while Eric continues working on his counseling degree and helps out at his father's church. I still work as a grant writer and am directing a musical this Fall at Trinity College. We started more intentional preschool with Gareth (4 1/2 with a very loose tooth!), and Amalia is much healthier and happier having gotten rid of so much that was hurting her or making her sick.

My blog posts basically stopped when Amalia's allergy diagnoses opened up a gigantic project for me to find out how to take care of her and keep her safe. That and getting an iphone. With posting pictures to facebook and emailing videos instantly, the blog wasn't as important for keeping grandparents and family members connected with our family.

We'll see what the becomes now...