Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Pictures and Video of Amalia

Gareth really likes holding her. He comes to find her when he wakes up, gives her kisses, holds her hand and is doing very well being gentle when he touches her. He would like her to wake up though :)

One day old, getting ready to come home.

Gareth holding his baby sister for the first time, giving her a hug.

Minutes after she was born.

This is about as much action as we see in her :)

Amalia Prairie Marie Hughes

Amalia Prairie Marie Hughes was born one week late (one week is a looooong time). At 2:39 am May 20th she arrived. She was 7 pounds 10 ounces and 20 inches long. We were able to go home the next day and are doing well. She had a 3 day old check up and a weight check at 6 days. She was tested for jaundice but everything came back fine. She's doing well and is almost back up to her birth weight. She is sleeping pretty well for a newborn. We get a few 2-2 1/2 hour stretches at night and my mother is here for about 10 days so that's a big help. Gareth is LOVING her. He's over tired and over stimulated, but doing very well. Eric is sick, some sort of sinus infection or something, but is doing fine. My recovery is going well.

The labor and delivery went very smoothly, though it was a bit more exciting at the end than I anticipated. I started having contractions around 5 pm and by 10 pm decided they weren't going away and were getting stronger so we started timing them. By 1 am I called the doctor to say the contractions weren't even or consistent but were getting stronger. He said to go ahead and pack and come on in. By the time Eric's mom arrived at 2 things had moved pretty quickly and it took Eric some time to get me out of the house. He got us to the hospital in 6 mintues, arriving at 2:30, and she was born 9 minutes later. I wouldn't suggest cutting it that close :)