Friday, December 11, 2009

Gareth's debut

Our church has an annual Hanging of the Greens service in early December. During the opening number all the children in the church bring banners, lights, garland, etc. The last group to come are the Jingle Bears (the 1-3 year-olds). They have bear hats on and bears with jingles on them to shake to the music. Gareth didn't want to participate last year (which did not surprise me). I thought he was ready to do it this year and started talking it up a few weeks before it happened so he'd know what was going to happen. He was pretty excited about it. Grandma and Grandpa came down from Wisconsin to see Gareth's theatrical debut. And Aunt Mikayah and Titus (boyfriend) came up from Chicago to see it as well. Thanks to Aunt Mikayah for the pictures and video. There are many people in the way of seeing Gareth, but just look for the cream colored sweater vest and that's him.

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